
Different species directly from the forest.

Where does our cut greenery come from?

Forester Thomas Nygaard Kristensen has gone to a noble fir plantation in the middle of Jutland to talk about the choices one must make as a forester to cultivate the very best cut greenery.

How does the logistics work?

Vi mødtes med Skovfoged Bent Nielsen på den travleste dag i November for vores arbejde med klippegrønt. Her gav han os en rundvisning på en af vores pakkepladser for klippegrønt og fortalte om de forskellige arter og sorteringer, vi sender afsted i løbet af november og december.

Meet a supplier

We went with Bent to visit our member Sigrid. For over forty years, she has been harvesting and tying hand bouquets of Nordmann fir and noble fir on her estate, Rodvigsballe. She still ties the bouquets herself every year, and this year she can celebrate her 80th birthday.

See the assortment

Green Product offers a comprehensive range of decorative greenery that can be used for various decorative purposes. Our assortment includes noble fir, known for its rich, bluish-green color and durability, making it ideal for wreaths and Christmas decorations. Nordmann fir is another popular choice, valued for its soft, dark green needles and long-lasting freshness. Cypress is also part of the assortment, with its beautiful, dense foliage, perfect for creating elegant bouquets. Finally, we also offer pine tops, hen and chick tree, boxwood, and other niche species.


We also sell moss directly from the forest and other products. Contact one of our customer advisors if you want to know more.

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